
Replacing Real Dependencies with Test Doubles

All of these test doubles aren’t of much value if your subject can’t reference them, so testdouble.js provides some conveniences to swapping out your subject’s real dependencies for fake ones with its td.replace function.

At present, td.replace provides two mechanisms for providing test doubles to your test subject:

In both cases, td.replace will grab the real dependency and imitate it with an appropriate fake:

After the next call to td.reset() (which you should have in an afterEach hook somewhere in your test suite), the real dependencies will all be restored.

If the imitation scheme doesn’t suit you or if you don’t want your test to drive out the plumbing of defining the dependency, you can pass a final argument to td.replace that will act as the fake that replaces the real dependency (e.g. td.replace('./foo', 42) will monkey-patch require to return 42 for paths that resolve to that absolute path.

ES Module support

IMPORTANT NOTE: ES module support is experimental, and relies on an experimental feature of Node.js called Loaders.

Since version 13, Node.js has native support for ES Modules, i.e. modules that use import and export instead of require (read all about them here). This library also supports replacing ES modules, alongside CommonJS (the regular require modules). But since ES modules have slightly difference semantics, you cannot use td.replace, but should rather use td.replaceEsm if you want to replace a module that is an ES module.

Also, since ES modules are asynchronous in nature, td.replaceEsm is also asyncronous, and you should usually await it. And lastly, td.replaceEsm always returns an object that contains the doubles of the named exports of the module, and if the module has a default export, then that object will also contain a default property.

Another interesting change is that, just like in Node.js you have to specify the extension when importing the module (i.e. import('./brake.mjs')), so you need to do so when replacing the module.

Otherwise, most of what is written about td.replace also applies to td.replaceEsm.


This sounds a little like magic, so let’s look at a simple example. Suppose we write a simple test in test/lib/car-test.js:

module.exports = {
  beforeEach: function() {
    var brake = td.replace('../../lib/brake')
    var subject = require('../../lib/car')
  'slowing applies the break': function () {


This same, example, using ESM. Given the modules below:

// brake.mjs
export default function brake() {...}
export function abs() {...}
// car.mjs
import brake, {abs} from './brake.mjs'

You can replace them using the code below:

module.exports = {
  beforeEach: async function() {
    const brakeModule = await td.replaceEsm('../../lib/brake.mjs')
    const subjectModule = await import('../../lib/car.mjs')
  'slowing applies the break': function () {


There are few very important things to note about how to use module replacement safely (with great power, etc.):

That’s a lot of caveats, but so long as your test and module design is simple and consistent, it’s a powerful feature that can drastically simplify the setup of your isolation tests.

Now, in order to make the above test pass, we first need to create lib/brake.js and export a function, so that testdouble.js knows to replace require calls with a test double function (as opposed to a default module.exports object):

module.exports = function(){}

Once the dependency is prototyped, we can implement lib/car.js in such a way as to make our little test pass:

var brake = require('./brake')

module.exports.slowDown = function(){

As you can see, each file listing references the correct relative paths to the replaced dependency. From the perspective of the test, the brake module is in '../../lib/brake', but from the perspective of the subject, brake is in './brake'.

If you’d like to kick the tires on this, you can play with a more involved example project found in the testdouble.js repository. For a more formal discussion of the replace() API, read on.

If you’d like an example of replacing using transpilers to replacr ES classes that use the export keyword, check out the babel example project. (Note again that the test itself must fall back to CommonJS-style require statements, since module replacement requires the dependency be loaded after the replacements are configured, which precludes the use of the static import statement.)

How module replacement works for CommonJS modules (using require)

Under the hood, testdouble.js uses a module called quibble that facilitates td.replace’s behavior by monkey-patching Node’s require function (specifically, Module._load). When td.replace is invoked for a module, quibble will begin intercepting any require calls made in that file and—bypassing the Node.js module cache—return a test double instead of the actual module that resolves to the same absolute path as whatever path was passed to td.replace.

As a result, keep in mind that you must call td.replace for each of your subject’s dependencies before you require your subject itself. If you require your subject before calling td.replace, it will load normally (potentially from the module cache) and any calls to td.replace will be too late to have their intended effect).

How module replacement works for ES modules (using import)

Under the hood, testdouble.js uses a loader. A loader is a module that can hook into the ES module loading mechanism in an official way. The testdouble loader ensures that if you call td.replaceEsm on an ES Module, the next time that module is loaded by Node.js, the source Node.js will get from the loader is not the regular source, but rather source code that contains some replacement code that can be used for the mock doubles.

If you’re using Node.js v20.6.0 or higher, the loader is registered automatically. But if you’re using a lower version of Node.js, you must run Node with --loader=testdouble, or td.replaceEsm won’t work.

Also, every time you call td.replaceEsm on a module, you generate a new “generation” of that module, so that the next time Node.js loads that module, it loads the new generation of that replaced module. If you do td.reset, then the original module is loaded instead.

As a result, feel free to use td.replaceEsm even after you import the module. This is different from when using td.replace where you must use td.replace first before require-ing your module.

If you’d like to kick the tires on this, you can play with a more involved example project found in the testdouble.js repository.

(All this magic comes courtesy of quibble, which does the actual loading and replacing of the module), and is used by td.replaceEsm to do its magic.

Aside: third-party modules

testdouble.js can also replace third-party npm modules. For instance, if you depend on the module is-number, you can, in your test:

var isNumber = td.replace('is-number')
var numbersOnly = require('./numbers-only')
td.when(isNumber('a string')).thenReturn(true) // tee-hee, this is silly

var result = numbersOnly('a string')

assert.equal(result, true)

Should pass for a subject:

var isNumber = require('is-number')

module.exports = function (thing) {
  if (!isNumber(thing)) {
    throw new Error('numbers only!')
  return true

Even though testdouble.js does support replacing third-party npm modules, it is not recommended unless you own the module! Typically, when practicing the sort of outside-in test-driven development that testdouble.js is designed to facilitate, you should keep third-party dependencies at arms-length by only mocking what you own. But if you’re managing lots of internal modules and they’re all in a consistent style such that the line between first-party & third-party code is blurred, then td.replace has you covered and should be able to replace third-party modules or npm packages just like it can for local paths.


Given the eclectic array of browser JS namespacing, module loading, and packaging schemes (not to mention the limited runtime introspection available to ES import statements), testdouble.js doesn’t try solve for every front-end module and packaging scheme. For many projects, the object-property replacement scheme will be good enough. For many others, td.replace could be used in a test helper function to patch module schemes like AMD.

Using global-variable namespacing to carry forward our simple example above, we could write this test:

var brake = td.replace(app, 'brake')
    subject = app.car



First, the test will fail until we define app.brake as a function:

app.brake = function(){}

Now we can write the function to make the test pass:

app.car = {
  slowDown: function() {

Once again, it is very important when using this feature that td.reset() is invoked after each test, or else bizarre and terrible things will happen.

td.replace() API

To recap, td.replace has two “modes”, for lack of a better term, which result in relatively disparate method signatures. So let’s spell those out here:

td.replace(object, propertyName, [manualReplacement])

When td.replace’s first argument is anything other than a string, it assumes you’re providing the object on which some property should be replaced.

The second argument, propertyName, which must be a string of the same name as some property already defined on object (if undefined properties were allowed to be replaced, minor errors like misspelling would take much longer to catch). It must be a string because td.replace needs to know not just its value, but where to replace it the next time someone calls td.reset().

As discussed at the top, most of the time td.replace will successfully infer the right type of fake thing to set on object and to return. For other cases, you can pass a third manualReplacement argument to specify the value to be set on object[propertyName].

td.replace typically returns the fake thing it sets on object, with the exception of constructor function properties. In that case, it will return a plain object of test double functions to the test, but set object[propertyName] to a constructor function that delegates to those test double functions only after it’s been instantiated with new.

td.replace(relativePathToModule, [manualReplacement])

When the first argument to td.replace is a string, it assumes you’re replacing a Node.js module dependency and that relativePathToModule is, as its name suggests, a relative path from the test to the module being faked.

In a TDD workflow, this is often the first step to figuring out where that module should reside, and so td.replace will throw an error until it exists and can be loaded. Once defined, it will return a fake thing based on the same inferences discussed above and replace subsequent calls to require for that module until the next call to td.reset()

Also, as mentioned above, if the inference td.replace isn’t appropriate or the path shouldn’t exist yet, a second argument manualReplacement can be provided to short-circuit any attempts to load and imitate a module at relativePathToModule.

td.replaceEsm() API

td.replaceEsm can only be used to replace ESM module compared to td.replace which can either replace properties on object or replace a Nodejs module.


Without any argument, td.replaceEsm will imitate the module with all exported properties replaced with td.function().

td.replaceEsm(relativePathToModule, namedExportReplacements, defaultExportReplacement)

When you need to give replacement implementations, you can do it by giving namedExportReplacements and defaultExportReplacement arguments.

namedExportReplacements is an object to be used to replace ESM named exports. Each object properties will have its key matching the export name and value must be the implementation to use.

defaultExportReplacement is used to replace the default export and can be directly the implementation to use as default export.

See quibble ESM API for more information and note about mocking internal Node.js modules.

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